Student Arrival

Traffic Flow in Stepping Stones Parking Lot
Cars and vans may enter the Stepping Stones parking lot from the Florida entrance near the Special Programs Gym. Drivers must park and walk to the designated student drop off and pick up areas. Vehicles will leave the parking lot at the 13th Street exit.
Student Arrival
Please do not bring your student to school before 7:40 AM. Teachers will come out at that time to receive students. Once you arrive, park in the west parking lot and walk your student to the concrete wall. Each teacher has a designated spot by a gate where they pick up and dismiss students each day. Find your student’s teacher to sign them in on the sheet each day.
Arrival for PM 3Y students is at 11:20.
Bus Riders at Arrival
Students will remain on the bus until a staff member is present to pick them up.
Late Arrivals
If you arrive after 7:50 AM, please park and walk your student to the entrance located on the west side of Building F. Ring the bell and a staff member will sign the student in and escort him or her to class.
Ring the bell at Building F, and a staff member will come to the door to assist you. Once in the building, you will need to show your ID and sign the sign in sheet. You must then wear a name tag while in the building.
Early Sign Out
If you need to sign your student out early, call the front office (575-812-5525) before arriving at the building. Once you arrive, ring the doorbell, and a staff member will check your ID before releasing the student. If the ID holder is NOT on the contact list, the student will NOT be released. Please ensure that contact and emergency information have been updated on PowerSchool.
Student Dismissal
3Y AM are dismissed at 10:50 am
4Y and 3Y PM students are dismissed at 2:20 pm.
On Wednesdays, 4Y students are dismissed at 12:20 pm. 3Y students do not have school on Wednesdays.
Please pick up your students on time. Teachers will walk students to the designated drop off area by the concrete wall. Parents will be required to walk to the teacher for a hand-in-hand dismissal. Please make sure that all emergency contact information has been updated in PowerSchool. Students will NOT be released to individuals who are not on the drop off list. For the safety of your student, please walk the student back to the teacher if they run to greet you at the end of the day.
If you are late, you will need to pick up your student at the front office.
Bus Riders at Dismissal
A staff member will walk students to the bus zone. In the event of inclement weather, students will wait in the classroom until the bus arrives.
Breakfast & Lunch
8:05 am - 8:35 am – Breakfast for 3Y (AM) and 4Y students
10:20 am - 11:00 am – Lunch for 4Y students
11:35 am - 12:05 pm – Lunch for 3Y (PM) students
Student ID Badges
All students will receive picture ID cards this year. They will have two identifying marks. The bar code will serve as their Student Nutrition pass. The other identifier will include information from PowerSchool. This will allow students to be accurately tracked on buses.