Pre-K Programs at APS
A variety of Early Childhood Programs are available to young children who live within the boundaries of the Alamogordo Public Schools District. We have 2 schools with early childhood programs; Stepping Stones and Holloman Elementary School.
DD3 & DD4
Early Childhood Special Education Preschool Program (also referred to as Developmentally Delayed (DD PreK)) is for children ages 3-5 who demonstrate a need and meet the criteria for special education preschool.
To comply with federal and state statute and regulation regarding developmental preschool programs, Alamogordo Public Schools shall ensure that:
A free appropriate public education is available to each eligible child residing in the Alamogordo Public Schools jurisdiction/geographical boundaries beginning no later than the child’s third birthday;
An IEP or IFSP is in effect for the child by the child’s third birthday; and
If a child’s third birthday occurs during the summer, the child’s IEP Team determines the date when services under the IEP or IFSP will begin.
DD3 students attend Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and are split into morning (8-10:45) and afternoon (12-2:30) classes.
DD4 students attend full day class every day of the week from 8-2:30, and 8-12:30 on Wednesdays.
(34 CFR §300.101(b))
Alamogordo Public Schools shall provide a free appropriate public education for each eligible preschool child with a disability residing within its boundaries no later than the child’s third birthday and shall ensure that an IEP or an IFSP, as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, is in effect by the appropriate date as outlined in federal and state regulation.
NM PreK is a state funded program. The program provides preschool comprehensive services for four-year-old children. Children who qualify for the program must be four years of age by September 1st of the current calendar year. All four year olds can register for PreK and will be selected based on need and availibility.
NMPreK students who are 4 years old on or before Sept 1 but don’t have an IEP. They have the same full day every week day class from 8-2:30, 8-12:30 Wednessday, and are mixed in with the DD4 students.